Learn by doing and being

The journey will span over a year, with 12 Contact Modules, journaling, exercises, sunrise sessions, concept papers, assignments, knowledge tests, readings, lab, live projects and panel project evaluation.

Module 1

Fundamentals of Organisation Development

Introduction to Organisation Development. Explore, and understand the history, values, school of thought, theories, concepts and core fundamentals of organisation development.

ARC Office
16 - 17 November 2024

Module 2

Human Process Lab

A 3.5 days of on-site class to provide opportunities for the participants to look at their own behaviour processes and its impact on others, and learn from this experience as well as others in the group.

Offsite (TBD)
24-27 December 2024

Module 3

ARC Office
25-26 January 2025

Entry and Contracting

Learn the OD Cycle and explore the elements, and methods, involved during the initial phases of a project as an OD consultant.

Module 4

ARC Office
15-16 February 2025

Diagnosis (Part A) Planning your diagnosis

Learning to use different lenses for diagnosis.Determining various methods of data collection as per the frameworks, methods and tools to develop and execute the diagnosis or data gathering for a client project.

Module 5

ARC Office
15-16 March 2025

Diagnosis (Part B) - Understanding Group Dynamics

Each system functions because of people, and where there are people, there values, emotions, dynamics, politics, biases come into play. This module will focus on how group dynamics influences a system/organisation.

Module 6

ARC Office
12-13 April 2025

Self as an Instrument of Change

Understand, unlearn, relearn the power of self-awareness, self-agency and use it as sources of being an effective change agent.

Module 7

ARC Office
10-11 May 2025

Diagnosis (Part C) - Statistics

Learning how to make meaning of the data gathered from multiple sources by using statistical methods to understand the system.

Module 8

Client Site
6-8 June 2025

Diagnosis (Part C) - Building Hypothesis

Learn the Art of building hypothesis which gives you, the client sponsor to perceive the organisation from the lens of it’s unconscious which are supported by the existing data.

Module 9

ARC Office
5-6 July 2025

Intervention design (Part A)

Learn the fundamentals of intervention design, crafting targeted strategies to address organisational challenges and drive effective change.

Module 10

ARC Office
15-16 August 2025

Intervention design (Part B) Unconscious of the System

Explore the concept of unconscious of the system which plays an important role while driving change in any form and learn the ways to manoeuvre it.

Module 11

ARC Office
20-21 September 2025

Systems Thinking

Learning to use the lens of Systems Thinking in understanding your organisation as whole and in parts.

Module 12

ARC Office
11-12 October 2025

Project Submission Review

Implementation, Feedback and Project submissions and Certification. Book Review Panel Presentation

Learn from Practitioners, who teach what they apply


Founder, Principal Consultant and Solution Architect at ARC

OD Consultant (ISABS), Culture, Leadership and Process Facilitator. A mountaineer at heart.

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A marathoner, entrepreneur, ex- department head.

Project Management Expert, Coach and Facilitator. A curious engineer at heart.

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A Psychologist, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Pilot, Social Worker, Avid Traveler, and Adventurer

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An Entrepreneur, Facilitator and Coach who finds his sheer joy when working with kids to help them learn life skills.

High Potential Development Expert specialising in Task Leadership, Ownership and Influencing.

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Ex-Military, Corps of Engineers,

An Expert in Task and Project Excellence. Leadership Workshops Facilitator

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A sports enthusiast and a dedicated practitioner and facilitator for OD.

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A-ODJP curriculum designer, OD Consultant, L&D Specialist.

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Scaled the Mt. Everest Summit, and led Learning and Development at a global telecom company.

Emotional Intelligence Coach and Facilitator specialising in People Leadership

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An Avid Reader, Design Thinking Enthusiast and her philosophy is ‘Learning is the by product of fun.’

Communications, Design Thinking Expert and Instructional Designer

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Founder, Leadership and OD Consultant

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✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • OD is a field focused on helping organisations and individuals bring about meaningful change by understanding and improving the dynamics of systems and subsystems.

    It applies to a range of areas including culture, strategy, and individual development, making it a versatile tool for creating positive organisational transformation.

  • ODJP is a year-long, immersive program that combines self-discovery with practical application. You’ll learn to understand organisational systems and develop your ability to use yourself as an instrument of change. The program includes real-world projects, live client work, and access to experienced OD consultants.

    It is designed to make a shift within you through which you can make a shift in anything that you do.

  • The ODJP is designed for professionals from Human Resources, Learning and Development, and business leaders aspiring to enhance their knowledge of Organisation Development. It's ideal for those looking to deepen their expertise and apply OD principles to drive any kind of change change within their organisations.

    Having said that, it is also for anyone who has a knack about this field and is a keen learner.

  • The program spans 12 months and includes a mix of in-person classes that includes experiential learning, journaling, concept papers, assignments, sunrise sessions, knowledge tests, and live projects.

    You’ll have opportunities to work with real clients and be evaluated on your progress through a panel project assessment.

  • You will:

    • Understand the role of an OD consultant.

    • Learn how to apply OD frameworks and interventions.

    • Explore the values and ethics of OD.

    • Gain skills to use yourself as an instrument of change.

    • Learn to work with clients using a scientific approach to achieve meaningful outcomes.

  • Experiential learning is at the heart of ODJP. You’ll engage in hands-on projects and real-world applications of OD principles.

    Each module incorporates challenges that require applying what you've learned, offering an opportunity to reflect, adjust, and grow in a practical environment.

  • The application process involves three steps:

    1. Fill out the application and schedule a call with our team.

    2. Attend a 30-minute conversation with our team to discuss your goals and explore any questions.

    3. Submit a purpose statement explaining why you wish to join the program.

  • The program costs ₹2,91,000/- plus 18% GST. You can pay the full amount upfront or in two instalments within the first four months.

    For those with financial constraints, a fee subsidy is available based on the merits of each case and the number of full-paying applicants.

  • Here are a list of considerations

    • Graduate Degree in any discipline (post-graduation will be an added advantage)

    • Experience of 5+ years in a managerial position in any organisation - faculty in an educational institute

    • Entrepreneur/ Independent Business Owner, Leader, or Consultant in any field

    • It is essential that the individual has an interest in understanding and facilitating individuals, groups and systemic dynamics.

    • The desire to build knowledge, skills and the application orientation of building effective organizations.

Payment Options

Your monetary investment: 2,91,000/- + 18% GST.

(This includes course fees, a learning kit, learning materials, class logistics, and accommodations for the on-site classes.)

Full Payment

The Learners can pay full fees in a one-time transfer.

Payment in 2 Instalments

The Learners can also pay the fees in two instalments within the first 4 months of the course.

Subsidy in Fee

We provide a reduction in fees by recognising that access to financial resources is varied for each learner. Those seeking a reduction in the fee are required to write to us at the time of applying, giving the reason for, and the amount of subsidy on the full fee they seek.

We will revert to you on the subsidy we can offer based on the total number of requests we receive, the relative merits of each case, and the number of full-paying applicants we get.

It would help us to decide on requests for a subsidy in fee if those seeking it write to us by October 15th, 2024.

If you are really passionate about the subject, we invite you to have a conversation with us!

Learn how to dive deep into Systems, finding the underlying reasons for visible problems...

and remember you are a system yourself :)