The Centre of Applied Organisation Development Studies

A community where OD is practised, discussed and learnt in its truest form.

A blooming community of OD practitioners…

The Centre of Applied OD Studies is built with a notion of a shared purpose and vision to build a community. It is a blooming community of OD Practitioners and enthusiasts keep adding wisdom in the form of their learnings.

A community where OD is practised, discussed and learnt in its truest form. This centre holds the values and ethics of OD as a beacon that guides its members in their daily application.

All of this is in the form of articles, journey programs, webinars and learning resources.

Journey Programs


Learning Resources

Our Purpose.

Systems are present everywhere and the principles of OD help the practitioner to navigate the dynamics of the systems and bring desired positive change and this is applicable to individuals as well. OD is not only for big interventions of culture, strategy and big organisations, it can be applied for individuals as well.

Are you wondering how? The answer to this question emerges during the program. The journey compels you as a practitioner to take a moment to pause and reflect on how the system is impacting you or you are impacting the system. It proves to be an intense yet a gratifying experience to dive deeper in the subject you as well.

The journey promises many Aha! moments, but these Ahas! will only emerge when you as a participant are committed to understand it in its true nature.

As Centre of Applied Organisation Development Studies our purpose is to create skilled OD consultants who can drive meaningful change in organisations. With India currently having only 180 OD consultants for over 1,000 organisations, there is a pressing need to fill this gap and support businesses in navigating complex organisational challenges.

Most importantly, the program is designed with a strong commitment to giving back to the community, ensuring that the knowledge and expertise developed through it contribute to the greater good of society.


Applied-Organisation Development Journey Program

Learning Resources